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What is a Regional Water Authority (RWA)?
RWA’s are Governmental entities created by the Texas legislature that assist specific regions in converting ground water usage (such as aquifers and wells) to primarily surface water usage (such as lakes and rivers).
In District Meeting
Residents are encouraged to attend this public meeting, and all are welcome.
October 14th Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 449 (Harris County MUD 449) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
October 10th Public Meeting Notice
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 449 (Harris County MUD 449) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Bridge Installation in Porter Ranch
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 449 (HCMUD 449) Board of Directors would like to announce the installation of two bridges and a pier over the lake in the Porter Ranch subdivision, along the new walking paths.
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Welcome to Harris County MUD 449
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 449 (the "District") is a MUD created in 2006 by order of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The District contains approximately 736.5 acres of land and is located in Harris County.
The District has constructed and operates water, sanitary sewer, and drainage services to its residents.